Saturday, April 12, 2008

Intelligent Design Presentation Outreach

This past Thursday we organized an outreach here in Eger with our friend Geof Stimack, from Denver, doing a presentation about the scientific proofs for Intelligent Design and Biblical Creation.
We've done this outreach before, and always drawn big crowds from the city; this time was no exception, as the hall was packed with both Christian believers from local churches, as well as many non-believers who were just interested in the topic. We had a whole group of kids from a local high school come, where some of the youth from our church study. They mentioned the presentation to one of the teachers, who recommended that all the students should attend! Praise the Lord for that!
This is a great way to do outreach in Eger, because people here pride themselves on being cultured and intellectual, so they love to come and listen to lectures. This topic is also very powerful, because if we can prove from science that there must be a creator, then the obvious question is Who is this creator? and Why did He create me?, which are natural ties in to the Gospel.
Here's a video of the presentation:

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