Tuesday, April 22, 2008

April Update

Greetings from Eger!

It seems like time is flying! Nathaniel is already 7 months old, he has a tooth and will start crawling soon, and things in the church are going great - praise the Lord!
We were in the US for 5 weeks in February and March, and got to visit a lot of friends, family, and church family. In addition to our usual stops in So. California and Colorado, we also finally made it up to the Bay Area to visit Nick's family up there, as well as our friends and supporters in Gilroy.
It was a great trip, but we were also excited to get back to Eger, to the work that God has called us to, and keep our hands to the plow.

Kálvin Ház
For a long time we have been praying for a new home for the church - a place that would be more central, since most people in Eger walk everywhere, and a place where we could have more visibility. It seems that God has opened up a door for us and answered our prayers. Nick was invited to preach in January for an inter-denominational protestant gathering in Eger, and got to talking with the Reformed minister, who after hearing that we were praying about moving into the city center, offered to let us move in to a building owned by their church, which is just 100 yards from the main square, and right next to the city market.
There is no more central location than this in the whole town! This building is called the Kálvin Ház; it was built in 1711, and it is where the Reformed church of Eger met before they built their current building - and is now used as offices and for special meetings.
There is a big room upstairs which holds about 150 people, already furnished with chairs and a stage, with windows facing the market square, which would be ours every Sunday morning. They also offered us an office space in the building, which we could also use for children's ministry, youth ministry, and even smaller Bible study groups.
We have been negotiating, and everything looks great, but we are still praying about whether or not we should make this move. The biggest change for the church would be that we would have to have the Sunday services in the morning - which is a good thing - but it makes it harder for some people to come. Please join us in praying about this situation!

Prayer Requests

  • Praise the Lord, that He has opened up doors for us to move into the city center.
  • For wisdom to follow God's leading on whether or not to move the church to the Kálvin Ház

Calvary Chapel Eger

Things have been well in the church. People are growing and doing well - praise the Lord for that. We are getting prepared right now for our summer activities - our English Camp outreach, baptisms, and the summer conference in Vajta.
This past weekend our church did a music outreach in the city park. It rained for the first hour or so of the outreach, but after that it cleared up, and we had the opportunity to share God's Word with people. This was the first time our church has done an outreach like this without outside help, and one of the great things about it was how many people from the church came out to reach out to their city on a Saturday. We know that God will water the seeds which were planted in people's hearts.
We also have quite a few young people in the church, and so we are praying about starting a youth group. We are seeking the Lord about when and how to do this.

Prayer Requests
  • Praise the Lord for the spiritual growth in the church - that people are discovering their gifts and serving the Lord by reaching out to others in His name
  • For the English Camp to be a fruitful outreach, for helpers to come and assist, for many kids to sign up, and for many to come to know the Lord.
  • For Ági, who is pregnant and has a heart condition. She had to go to the hospital a month before her due date, because giving birth is potentially dangerous for her.
  • For the young couples in the church who will get married this summer - Shane & Marianna and János and Ágnes - to glorify Jesus in their lives and marriages.
  • For the new believers who will get baptized this summer - for God to strengthen them in their walks with Him.
  • For wisdom in following God's leading in starting a youth group
Ever since the baby was born, Rosemary has been very tired, and not gotten normal amounts of sleep. Nowadays she is busy planning the English Camp and going to visit schools to advertise. The students always get excited to see Nathaniel with her whenever she comes.
Nate is getting bigger; he will be 8 months on May 1st. He has a tooth and is rolling all over and sitting up, and even getting up on all fours.
Nick stays busy with the church stuff and he is also working teaching English a few hours a week, and trying to get some exercise whenever he has the chance. Spring is his favorite time of year here, because it gets so green and beautiful, and he likes to mountain bike.

Prayer Requests
  • For Rosemary as she struggles with being tired all the time
  • For Nathaniel to grow strong and healthy
  • For our marriage to be strong and glorifying to God, as well as an example for others in the church to follow
  • For us as parents to raise Nathaniel properly, in the Lord's ways
Thank you for your prayers and support! Please feel free to contact us; we would love to hear from you.
God bless,

Nick and Rosemary Cady
Csiky Sándor u. 60
3300 Eger, Hungary

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