Friday, January 26, 2007

January Update

Greetings from Eger!

Let us start with the big news: We are doing our part to grow the church in Eger—Rosemary is pregnant! Our due date is August 22, so we’ve got a while to wait, but we are very excited, as are all the people in the church.

The main thing going on with us right now is the pregnancy. Rosemary hasn’t been feeling well—she has morning sickness all day long—and because of this she hasn’t been able to do as much as before. You who know Rosemary know that she loves to be active, and she is getting tired of being sick and not feeling well.
We have found a private doctor, which we have to pay for, but we think its worth it. Rosemary will deliver at the county hospital here in Eger.
Aside from this, Nick is also glad to have guys to hang out with; he goes mountain biking with Shane and a new guy in the church named Jani.

Prayer Requests
- Praise the Lord for the wonderful gift of a baby
- Pray for Rosemary to feel better and for everything to go well with the pregnancy
- Pray that God would prepare us to be good, godly parents
- Pray for Rosemary, as she is not able to be as active as before, which is hard for her

Calvary Chapel Eger
During the month of December, our worship leader and assistant, Shane Daniels, was in the States visiting family, which meant that Nick had a lot more to do, but it was a blessing to see people in the church step up and help out.
Kati, our translator, has been added to our leadership team now, but for the last few weeks has had to work in Tatabánya – about 3 hrs from Eger. Thankfully, she is still able to come on Sundays, but because of her absence Nick has begun teaching in Hungarian on Wednesdays, which he enjoys.
Our Christmas service was very blessed.
Some friends of ours from Debrecen, David and Csilla, came up to do some special Christmas music, and many from the church brought their family members and guests.
We have some new faces in the church. For a long time the majority of the church was young girls, but recently we have had more men and elderly people joining the church. Nick has been invited by some ladies in the church to speak at a club for women who suffer from cancer, and he was been able to share God’s word with them.
We praise the Lord for the huge changes that He has brought about in the lives of people in the church. As we simply teach them God’s Word, we see people’s hearts change. One person in particular is Kati’s brother, János, whom we have known for a while, but recently God spoke to Him and his whole attitude changed, and now he has a desire to know God and study His Word and be in fellowship. Jani has also joined the worship team since then.
From Feb 2-4 our church will have its first Church Retreat! We are going to spend the weekend in Mátrafüred – about an hour from Eger. We had 25 places available, and we have 28 people who signed up, so it will be packed. Pápai Jancsi will come from Debrecen to teach a few Bible studies, and we will spend time worshiping and being in fellowship.

Prayer Requests
- Praise God for the work He has been doing in the hearts of those in the church.
- Pray for the Church Retreat from Feb 2-4 in Mátrafüred, that it would be a blessed time of fellowship, which draws the church closer to the Lord and to each other.
- Pray for those who are new in the church to become established in their faith.
- Pray for more Children’s Ministry workers.

Thank you for your prayers and support! Please feel free to contact us; we would love to hear from you.

Nick and Rosemary Cady
Csiky Sándor u. 60
3300 Eger, Hungary

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