Friday, November 17, 2006

November update

Greetings from Eger!

This past September we had the opportunity to spend 5 weeks in the United States, which was a great blessing. We were encouraged and refreshed, and it was great to meet with all of our family, friends, and supporters. This was the first time we have been back “home” since we got married 2 years ago!

Calvary Chapel Eger
During the time we were gone, Shane Daniels, our new worship leader since July, taught in the church and led worship. It is really nice to have this help and be able to leave sometimes, which we haven’t really been able to do until now. We got back to Eger to find some new faces in the church, most notably a young married couple with a new baby, Ági and András.
We continue to do outreach, and are blessed to see some fruit from it. Every Friday Shane leads a group of youth from our church into town to put up flyers and talk to people about the Lord and invite them to church. A man named Zoltán has started coming to the church recently through this outreaches, and we are blessed to see the people in our church wanting to reach out to their comunity and reach people for Jesus.
On November 9th, we organized an outreach to business people through a seminar taught by our friend Geof Stimack. The turnout wasn’t what we had hoped for, but we did have some people who were very interested in hearing more about the Lord, and we are seeking to follow up with them this week. We also had one man, named László, who has been to some of our previous outreaches, and is very interested, but still hasn’t made a decision to follow Jesus. In Eger there is a huge interest in Eastern Religion, and we have had many people come to our outreaches who are trying to decide between Christ and Krishna or Buddha. Please pray that they would not be decieved!
We are praying about God’s leading for some other outreaches that we could do in Eger, as well as praying about starting a new Bible Study in the nearby city of Heves (Hevesh). There is a couple who are making the 1 hr bus trip to our church on Sundays from Heves, and also some girls from Kál (near Heves) who got saved at our English Camp outreach, so we are praying for the Lord’s timing as to when to go and start a new Bible study there.
We have started organizing events for our Friday night “Fellowship Nights,” with the hope that people will be able to invite friends and co-workers to them. This Friday we are organizing a Thanksgiving celebration at the language school where Kati works. We are praying this would be a way that we could meet people and share the Lord with them.

Prayer requests:
- For much fruit from our outreaches and for many to be saved!
- For God’s leading and provision for more and different kinds of outreach in Eger
- For God’s leading on starting Bible studies in Heves and other nearby cities
- For the people in our church—most of them are struggling financially and having trials in regard to their families. Pray that the Lord would help them to trust in Him through these difficulties and use these trials to make them more dependent on Him
- For the outreach team from the Bible College in Vajta that is coming to Eger on December 1-3
- For the Women’s Christmas Tea on December 16th
- For the Lord to bring more men to the church and raise them up into leaders
- For the people in the church—some of them have a lot of demands on their time and have not been coming to church because of it

hen we first started the church we had an “open door” policy for everyone, where they could just come over any time they wanted. In the beginning, when the church was quite small, almost no one ever came over. But with the church growing, this past summer our house was almost constantly full of people. Obviously this took a toll on us personally, so one thing we have been learning to do is to set up some boundaries on who comes over when. This is especially important for our marriage. We have also been holding on to our “Sabbath Day” (for us Monday) very seriously as a day of rest, where we focus only on the Lord and on each other.
We are doing well and are both really happy to be here in Eger, and excited about what God is doing.
Shane is going to be gone for 5 weeks in December and January, which will mean that things will be busier for us and we will have more to do, as well as making things a bit lonely! He and Nick are good friends, and we enjoy working with him. We also miss April Shondee, who served with us for a year and a half before moving back to Denver after getting sick.

Prayer requests:
- For our marriage to be strong and a good example
- For strength and encouragement as things get a bit lonely sometimes
- For Rosemary’s problems with her hands and feet
- For Nick’s skin problems (getting worse in the winter)
- For Rosemary’s Hungarian to continue to improve

Thank you for your prayers and support.
God bless you,

Nick and Rosemary Cady
Csiky Sándor u. 60
3300 Eger, Hungary

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