Friday, January 15, 2010


I realized it's been a while since we've written an update.
Here's a quick rundown of what's new with us and our minister in Eger:
  • Rosemary is 9 months pregnant.
    Our baby girl is due next Wednesday, Jan. 20th. Rosemary has been having a really hard time for the past two weeks, and we are praying that the baby will come as soon as possible. She is very itchy, to the point where she can't sleep at night. Please pray for her!
  • We moved.
    With our family growing, we were really cramped in our old flat. We loved living there and were sad to say goodbye to it, but we needed something bigger. We found a great place, owned by a friend of ours actually. It is still walking distance from the center, it is almost double the size of our old place - which means that we all have some much needed privacy, as well as a guest room/office.
  • Nick's parents were here for Christmas.
    We were blessed by their visit, and were sad to see them go. It was good to be with family and to have Nick's parents here in Eger. Nate really enjoyed spending time with his grandparents. We talk to them every week on skype, so he recognized them right away and loved spending time with them.
  • Car accident.
    The day after Nick's parents arrived, we were out running errands, and our car spun out on ice and hit a tree. After 3 weeks in the shop, we got our car back on Wednesday. Throughout the whole thing, we were amazed and blessed by the generosity of our friends and church family, who helped us out so much. One family in the church were so kind to even lend us their car for the whole 3 weeks, which was a huge help with Nick's parents being here and Rosemary being 9 months pregnant.
  • Dani moved back to Eger.
    Dani, a guy who was part of the church for a while, but then moved to Budapest for work, has moved back to Eger out of a conviction that God wants him to be here and serve in our church. For us this is an answer to prayer, as we see that God has gifted him and given him a heart for outreach and ministry. We love Dani as a friend and brother and are glad that he is back as part of the church and laboring with us for the Gospel.
    Dani is living with his parents in a village outside of Eger, and his goal is to find work and a flat in town. Please pray for that!
  • Shane is moving to Szolnok.
    Shane Daniels has served with us in Eger for over 3 years now. We have enjoyed working together with him, and he has been a big help to us and the church during this time. Shane and his wife Marianna are now expecting a baby and will move to Szolnok, Marianna's home town, with the goal of starting a Bible study there. Shane will continue to be part of the church here until the end of the year, travelling up from Szolnok 2 Sundays a month. Please pray for them, their baby, and their future ministry. Please pray for us as we make this transition.
  • Christmas service.
    We had a really blessed Christmas service on Dec. 25th. Many people brought their parents and family members, many of whom had never been to the church, and they got to hear the wonderful news about Immanuel.
Thank you for your prayers and support!

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