Monday, October 19, 2009

Staying Busy

Here's a short run down of what's going on with us lately.
  • Last week we went to Vajta for a few days.
    Every Friday they have a guest speaker come and talk to the students, and this week I spoke to the students about what we are doing in Eger, and our vision for our ministry in the future. I also challenged them to pray about whether or not God has a place for any of them in our vision to plant churches in the Eger region.
    It was a good time, and fun to hang out with friends in Vajta.
  • On Wednesday, I am going to Budapest to speak at the weekly meeting of Campus Crusade for Christ. I will be doing a presentation for mostly non-Christian kids about Creation vs. Evolution.
    We have organized similar lectures in Eger before, but I have never given a lecture on this topic, so I am excited and a bit nervous about how it will go.
    We have a really cool cooperation with CCC, and are looking forward to continuing to work with them in the future.
  • On Friday, Oct 23, we will have a 10 day outreach team from Calvary Chapel Bible College Europe (Vajta).
    We will be doing a lot with them, and are praying that their time here will be fruitful and effective for the Kingdom.
  • We will be moving to a new apartment in November.
    We've lived in the same flat the whole time we've been in Eger, but with baby #2 on the way, we're outgrowing it.
    We will be moving into a new place which is almost double the size of where we live now. The new place is a bit further from the center of town than where we are now, but not too far out. Balázs will be able to have his own room, and we will even have room for an office/guestroom. We know the woman who will be our landlord, and she even came to the church for a while, so she is giving us a very reasonable price.
    It is actually in the same building as Shane and Marianna - even right next door! So we will be seeing them a lot :)
    We've wanted to move for a while, so this is a blessing.
Please keep these things in prayer. Thank you for your support!

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