Friday, September 25, 2009

Music Outreach

We had a music outreach tonight in the city park in Eger, which is known as the Bishop's Garden (Érsekkert).
It was hard to know what to expect. We have done similar outreaches before, and it's hard to know how many people will stop, or how to do the evangelism, but tonight it went really well.
Instead of having a whole band, we just made it very simple: 2 people, one playing guitar and singing, the other playing a drum.
We were able to talk to a lot of people and share our faith, including a group of kids who hung out for the whole time of the outreach.
Please pray that God would work in the hearts of those who heard the Gospel message or got Gospel tracts.

Here is a picture - although poor quality - of Laci sharing the Gospel from the microphone during the outreach:

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