We had originally planned it for 2 weeks ago, but it was postponed because of bad weather, meaning that our baptism service was outside at a lake in October!
Needless to say - it was cold. And we won't be doing any baptisms outside this late in the year again. Ever. Although we did say that same thing last year, after our baptism in September...
Despite it being cold and windy, it was a relatively nice day. After lots of rain and cold, today the sun came out and it was nicer than it has been in 3 weeks! Praise the Lord for that - we prayed for it a lot.
3 people were baptized - Dani, Jani, and Noémi. Originally 6 people were signed up, but for various reasons, we ended up with 3 brave souls who went into the cold waters of the lake in Ostoros to make a statement about what God has done in their lives by making them "New Creations" and how they are committed to following Him.
Here's a map of where the lake is - right outside of Eger.
The morning started with our regular church service, but with a short teaching on baptism, and then those who were baptized gave testimonies before the church about what God has done in their lives to bring them to this point. After that, we headed to the lake in a caravan.
One surprise was this - when we were planning the baptism, the dirt road down to the lake was in good condition. Since then, they have started work on paving that road - and then with all the rain, well you can imagine how muddy it was. It was so bad, that we couldn't drive any of the cars down to the lake except for one guy who has a 4-wheel-drive truck. So, on the way down, we all had to walk through the mud. It wasn't very far, but it seemed like it took a muddy eternity, and I felt horrible for all the people who were walking down this mud road in their nice church clothes.
On the way back, we fixed the problem by having the guy with the truck make a few trips up to where we had left the cars, so that only 4 of us guys had to hike out in the mud.
But, we all survived the baptism - in fact it was a great blessing. Afterward, we went back to the church and had a little party to celebrate this big event in the lives of these 3 and in the life of the church.
Please keep Jani, Dani, and Noémi in prayer, that God would strengthen them and use them for His glory and for His Kingdom.
Here are some pictures:
Great pictures!! My mom told me about the baptism and I prayed for you, and the weather! Praise the Lord for that beautiful weather and most importantly for Noémi, Dani, Jani :) I'm so happy for them! I was surprised that finally the others didn't want to be baptised, hopefully some other time.
Well, 30 DKK= 1000 Ft, that's not bad for a museum. Right? yes, I'm having fun and experiencing a lot, and I'm amazed on how God is sooo good to me and how great He is. But also, I have some people in my prayers here, they need God. Sometimes I feel like Western Europe need God more than Eastern Europe. This thought came from your teaching, we care too much about ourselves, we forgot to build up others. Here, people are too individualistic. There could be positive and negative side of it...
Praise the Lord for what He is doing in people's life.
God Bless
Yea, that's true about Western Europe. There is a saying that Western Europe is looked over by tourists, but overlooked by missionaries.
Actually, the most atheistic nations in Europe are in Western Europe - France and Sweden (of course, Hungary and the Czech Republic are up there in the top 10 as well).
I'm sure God is using you there in Denmark. Csak így tovább!
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