Monday, August 25, 2008

Farewell Bódis Family!

Yesterday at church we prayed for and said goodbye to the Bódis family - Mihály, Ibolya and Dávid.
They have been in our church for the past year, and have been a great blessing and encouragement to our fellowship. As older believers, they were examples for the young people in the church of what it means to follow the Lord with faithfulness and commitment.
One of the hard things in Eger, is that it is hard to find work, so many people who would like to stay end up having to leave for this reason. This was the case with the Bódis family. Finding jobs is a constant pray request for people in our fellowship.
Mihály was the director of a mine in a village outside of Eger, which suddenly closed a few months ago, leaving him out of work. He looked for work around Eger for a few months, but wasn't able to find anything - only a job in Szekszárd, almost 300 km away from Eger, on the other side of the country.
The Bódis family will be missed!

Please pray:
  • For the Bódis family, as they move - that God would lead them to a good church in Szekszárd, that they would make friends and settle in quickly to their new situation.
  • For our church - that God would bring more families and older people into the fellowship
  • For others in our church that are out of work - that they would find work in Eger, that God would provide for them and lead them

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