Monday, July 10, 2006

July Update

Greetings from Eger!

Our lives seem to stay busy, but summer time is always especially busy, with all of the summer outreaches and conferences.
We really ask for you to pray for us this summer as we seek to reach out to Eger and make disciples of Jesus Christ!

Calvary Chapel of Eger
One hard thing about summer time is that many people are away, and some of the studens have now graduated and moved away from Eger for good. We were very sad to say goodbye to one girl in particular, Vica, whom we have seen God change and grow so much over the past year. The hard part of ministry is getting close to people, seeing God work in their life, and then having to say goodbye.
We are encouraged by other students though, like Kati and Brigi, who after their graduation have decided to settle down in Eger and try to find work here so they can be part of the church.
We continue to see God bringing new people to the church and causing us to grow in Him.
Shane Daniels, from Calvary Chapel San Jose, CA, is moving out this month to serve the church in Eger as a worship leader and an assistant to Nick. We see Shane's moving out here as an answer to much prayer!
  • Praise God for answering our prayers for a worship leader/assistant
  • Praise God for the obvious work He is doing in the lives of people in the church
  • Please pray for a great harvest of souls in Eger!
  • For endurance in planting seeds for the Kingdom
  • For more men and families to join the church
  • For those in the church to stir up their spiritual gifts and step up into ministry
  • For Shane, that God would effectively use him here to build up the church body

This summer we have 2 main outreaches planned; a Children's Vacation Bible School (July 17-21), and an English Camp (July 31-August 4)
The goal with the VBS is to reach out to the many young families who live in the low-income housing area where the church meets on Sundays. As our church is made up of mostly young singles, we are praying that God would add more families to the fellowship as well, and that this Children's program would help us to meet families and share Jesus with them.
The English Camp is geared towards reaching teenagers and college students and to share the Gospel with them through "Friendship Evangelism." We have 35 students signed up, which we think is great considering this is the first year for the camp.
Organizing these camps was something we were very involved in in Debrecen, and something which we have seen to be a very effective tool in God's hands. It was actually through the English Camp in 2003 that our church got started, as Judit received Jesus, and Rosemary and I began to travel to Eger to meet with her and disciple her.
  • Please pray for the VBS to be used by God to bring families into the church; that many kids would come and that we would have the opportunity to share the Gospel with their parents as well
  • Pray for God to work at the English Camp, and to work in the hearts of the kids.
  • Pray that we would have many opportunities to share the Gospel with students and that God would make their hearts fertile soil that receives the Word and then produces much fruit
  • Pray for those who heard the Gospel through Geof Stimack's Da Vinci Code presentations in early June
  • Pray that God would be at work in this city, drawing many to Himself

We were blessed with the opportunity to travel a bit recently. Along with a leadership conference in Vajta, we were also able to take a trip to England in June.
In England we took a little time just to be together, as well as meeting up with a girl from the church in Eger who is now working outside of London as an aupair. We also spent 4 days in York, attending a pastor's conference, which was a great blessing as we both got to spend time with our pastors from America, who were both teaching there.
This September we will be going to America for a visit. Neither of us has been home to visit our families, friends, or churches in almost 2 years, so we are really looking forward to it. While we are there we will also attend the engagement of our good friend Naveen in Dallas.
One of the blessings of God bringing Shane here is that it gives us the opportunity to do things like visit home, and have someone who can lead the church in the meantime.

  • Please pray for God to give us much endurance during this busy summer season
  • For us both as we both have physical ailments (Rosemary's hands and feet, and now we both have skin problems)
  • For our marriage to be strong and founded upon God's Word

Thank you for your prayers and support! They mean a lot to us.
Please contact us; we'd love to hear from you.

Nick and Rosemary

Contact info:
Csiky Sándor u. 60 Fsz/1
3300 Eger
Home: +36-36-333-502
Mobile: +36-20-263-3174

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