This past Saturday we had our church's first Men's Day.
In a way, this is a bit of a milestone. When we first started the church, it was pretty much a girls' Bible study! There were a few guys who would come, but it wasn't infrequent for me (Nick) to be the only guy if the others didn't or couldn't come. Even when we first started the church, we had some great people attending and working with us, but there was a definite lack of dudes, and that was hard sometimes.
I heard Mark Driscoll say once to a group of church planters: "If you win the men, you will win the war". I think there is a lot of truth to that, and we began praying and writing in our newsletters, asking the Lord to give us more men and families in our church. We had and still have a lot of nice ladies, and wanted the church to be more balanced and healthy.
Since that time God has really been answering this prayer and bringing more men into our church - so much so, that I have heard the complaint that there are only men in our church! That's still not exactly the case; I would say there are still more ladies - but I think that shows how God has been answering our prayers in this area!
For our Men's Day, we did some team building activities and "trust games". We all had to take turns falling backwards out of a window, trusting that we would be caught by our brothers! Although some were hesitant, everyone did it - and there was no blood to clean up from anyone falling!
Then we had a Bible study, in which we talked about what it means to be a Christian Man and a man of God, followed by prayer.
After that we went out and played paintball in the tunnels under the city (Eger has hundreds of tunnels that run underneath it). We all got shot a lot, and had nice welts to show off at church the next day, to prove how hard-core we are!
We plan to do more Men's Days in the future - maybe once every 2 or 3 months.
Please pray:
- Praise the Lord for the prayers He has answered and for the successful event
- That God would add more men and families to the church
- That the men in our church would be godly, that they would be examples, and that they would leaders in their families and in the church
- That future men's days would be fruitful and blessed